Ep. 258 | Jiang Ziya — Teacup Media (2025)

The China History Podcast

Written By Laszlo Montgomery

In this 258th CHP episode, just in time for the guaranteed blockbuster animated movie “Jiang Ziya: Legend of Deification” Laszlo brings you an overview of this hero and strategist from ancient Chinese history.

Jiang Ziya’s story takes place during the waning years of the Shang and the founding of the Zhou Dynasty. For non-Chinese speakers, try not to get tripped up with King Zhòu Xīn of the Shang and the Kings Wen, Wu, and Duke of the House of Zhōu.

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Terms in Episode

Ānyáng安阳City in northern Henan Province
āxiān八仙The Eight Immortals
Bǐ Gān比干Brother to the last Shang King Zhou Xin. Unjustly executed
Cái Shén财神The God of Wealth
Duke Huán齐桓公Ruler of Qi State from 685-643 BCE. Brought the state to great heights
Duke of Zhōu周公See above Ji Dan
Dá Jǐ妲己The evil fox spirit sent by Nuwa to bewitch King Zhou Xin
Fúxī伏羲The first of the Three Sovereigns. He was the husband (or brother) of Nuwa. He's credited with bringing many of the gifts of civilizatin to the Chinese people
fēngjiàn封建The feudal system with knights, lords and the whole shebang
Guóqìngjié国庆节The National Day of China, October 1, 1949
Guǎn Zhòng管仲The Duke of Huan's indispensable minister. Confucius was a huge fan of his
Huáxià华夏The Chinese civilization that formed during the Shang and Zhou period
Hàn Dynasty汉朝Great Chinese imperial dynasty. Lasted 202 BCE to 220 CE
Hàojīng镐京The capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty, not too distant from present day Xian, Shaanxi province
húlijīng狐狸精Fox spirits that could disguise themselves as beautiful women
JiāngJiang Ziya's surname
Jiāng Tàigōng姜太公Grand Duke of Jiāng, another one of Jiang Ziya's titles or names
Jiāng Zǐyá姜子牙Also known as the Grand Duke of Qi. Lived during 11th century BCE, served the Shang first and later the Zhou
jiǔwèijīng九尾精The nine-tailed fox spirit that could disguise itself as beautiful women
Jìnán济南Capital of Shandong province
Jìxià Xuégōng稷下学宫The Jixia Academy located in Linzi, Qi State.
Jī Chāng姬昌Also known as King Wen, father of King Wu and the Duke of Zhou
Jī Dàn姬旦Also known as The venerable Duke of Zhou
Jī family姬家族The ruling family of the Zhou Dynasty
Jī Fā姬发Also known as King Wu, brother to the Duke of Zhou
King Jié夏桀王Final king of the Xia Dynasty...and supposedly not a good one
King Wǔ周武王See above....Ji Fa
King Ying Zheng秦嬴政The King of Qin State who later founded the Qin Dynasty and ruled as Qin Shihuang
Kūnlún昆仑Mythical mountain or mountain range where many gods and creatures dwelled....sort of like Penglai in the east of China
Liú Bèi刘备Lived from 161-223, King of Shu, one of the Three Kingdoms
Línzī临淄The capital of Qi State. Located in modern day Zibo, Shandong
Lǎozǐ老子He's called a "semi-legendary" figure from Chinese history. The Dao De Jing is attributed to Laozi. Here in Hollywood we know him as Lao Tzu
鲁国The lands in Shandong south of Qi
Lǚ Shàng吕尚Yet another one of Jiang Ziya's titles or names
Lǚ Wàng吕望Yet another one of Jiang Ziya's titles or names
Ming Dynasty明朝Second to the last Chinese Dynasty, ran from 1368 to 1644
Mount Pénglái蓬莱山A mythical land of gods and creatures located somewhere around the Bohai Sea. The Eight Immortals supposedly dwelled there
Mùyě zhī zhàn牧野之战1046 BCE Battle of Muye ….just outside of the capital Yīn, Ānyáng, northern Henan province
Nézhā zhī Mótóng Jiàngshì哪吒之魔童降世The 2019 hit animated movie, “Birth of the Demon Child Né Zhā”
Nǚwā女娲Wife or sister of Fu Xi. She's credited with bringing many gifts of civilization to the Chinese people. Not a big fan of King Zhou Xin
Pān Gǔ盘古In Chinese mythology, Pangu is called "the creator"
Qí Lǔ Liǎngguó齐鲁两国The Two States of Qi and Lu (that made up Shandong)
Qí Tàigōng齐太公Grand Duke of Qí , one of Jiang Ziya's titles
QínThe Qin Dynasty 221 BCE to 206 BCE, also the Qin State which preceded the formation of the dynasty
ShàngJiang Ziya's given name
Shénmó Xiǎoshuō神魔小说Shénmó novel, Gods & Demons fiction
Shāng Dynasty商朝Second of China's Bronze Age dynasties lasting from approximately 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE
State of Qí齐国Once powerful Zhou era state that controlled the northern half of Shandong
Sòng宋朝The Song Dynasty, Northern and Southern, lasted 960-1279
Sān Jiàn zhī luàn三监之乱The Rebellion of the Three Guards 1042-1039 BCE…western Shandong and northern Jiangsu
Sān Qīng三清Three Pure Ones, the three highest ranked gods in the Daoist pantheon
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁China's most famous historiographer of ancient times
The Fēngshén Yǎnyì封神演义The Ming era novel “The Investiture of the Gods” “The Enfeoffment of the Gods” written by Xu Zonglin
Tiānmìng天命The Mandate of Heaven
Tài Gōng Liù Tāo太公六韬“The Six Secret Strategic Teachings”
Tàigōng Wàng太公望Grand Duke Wàng, another one of Jiang Ziya's titles or names
Táng唐朝The Tang Dynasty that lasted 618-907 (with Wu Zetian's Zhou Dynasty 690-705 in the middle)
Wèi River渭河Largest tributary of the Yellow River. Easrliest Chinese civilization also grew and prospered along this river too
Wèibīn Chuídiào Tú渭滨垂钓图The painting in the National Palace Museum in Taipei which depicts the moment when Jī Chāng had his fateful meeting with Jiāng Zǐyá….on the banks of the River Wèi.
Wǔ Gēng武庚The son of the defeated king Zhòu Xīn who fought with the Jī Brothers in the Rebellion of the Three Guardians
Wǔjīng Qīshū武经七书The Seven Military Classics
Xià Dynasty夏朝China's first dynasty, though still called a mythical dynasty
Xī Yóu Jì西游记The classic novel, “Journey to the West”
Xǔ Zhònglín许仲琳Lived in the 16th century, Mong Dynasty writer. "The Investiture of the Gods" is attributed to him
Yuánshǐ Tiānzūn元始天尊One of the Three Pure Ones
YīnThe ancient Shang capital, part of modern day Anyang
Yǔ the Great大禹Founder of the legendary Xia Dynasty, famous for taming the floods that had plagued the people for so long
Zhuāngzǐ庄子Zhuang Zhou, the great Daoist master c. 369 to c. 286 BCE
Zhòu Xīn / Dì Xīn纣辛 / 帝辛The final king of the Shang Dynasty
Zhōu Dynasty周朝The third of China's Bronze Age dynasties. Lasted from 1046 BCE-256 BCE
Zhōu Wén Wáng周文王See above... Ji Chang
Zhūgě Liàng诸葛亮181-234, one of the giants in all of Chinese history. Chancellor of Shu 221-234, right-hand man to Liu Bei and a master of military strategy

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Laszlo Montgomery

Ep. 258 | Jiang Ziya — Teacup Media (2025)


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